Friday 7 December 2012

Christingle 2012

CHRISTINGLE was Sunday’s focus – the light of Christ that has come into the world.   Think of ‘inglenook’ and you can see where the word links with Light.  We made our Christingles (using white birthday candles and holders – much less work to prepare than pieces of foil!), and so Light was the watchword for Sunday’s activities and we explored together how we can be ‘Shining Lights’ for Jesus.

 What else did we do? – we made a very large Christingle with red material wrapped around a Space-hopper J with red ribbon and fake fruits and sweets stuck on 4 kebab sticks – very innovative to be sure! Finally we decorated this with cardboard candles which had been decorated by the children and the whole thing now sits at the back of the Church for all to admire.  The whole service was interspersed with songs such as: The Christingle begins with an orange, Light of the world and Shine Jesus Shine.  And course we made a Circle of Light (watching out for Health & Safety!)

It was a wonderful morning, and now we look forward to the Nativity on the 23rd December at TFG, when we shall make Crowns and be Kings and Stars for Epiphany on the 6th January. 

It would be great to see you there.

Deacon Olivia