Monday 22 March 2010

Passion Sunday March 21 - "Because You're Worth It"

Mary Anoints Jesus Jn 12:1-8

Mary's action is highly symbolic. The perfumed oil with which she anointed Jesus' feet was very expensive, probably about a year's wages. It was a reminder of Jesus' burial, and taking place in the gospel just before Palm Sunday foreshadows his suffering and death a few days later – a reminder to us also at this stage in Lent.

Her action – reckless, extravagant and even scandalous – Jewish women were expected to cover their heads in public- can also be a reminder of Jesus' own humility at the Last Supper when he washed the disciples' feet. Did her generous gesture of a costly gift also include herself? – kneeling at Jesus' feet she she showed him her faith and love. Mary had just seen Jesus raise her brother Lazarus from the dead. Did she see and begin to understand who Jesus was? - Jesus who a few days later would suffer a cruel death out of love for the whole world.

We considered Mary's action showed just how much she valued Jesus – in contrast to Judas who questioned her action. Judas put a price on Jesus' head and betrayed him for 30 pieces of silver, the price of a slave in the OT. He had been close to Jesus for longer than probably Mary but could not see what to her was so clear.

Other responses to Jesus in the reading include Martha who provided a meal and in serving him showed others her love for him and Lazarus who welcomed him. Hopefully we try to follow the examples of Mary, Martha and Lazarus but are we sometimes like Judas? Do we always remember just how precious Jesus and his love is? This challenging story raises the question what really does matter in our lives? What is Jesus worth to us? - something to reflect on as we approach Holy Week, Good Friday and Easter.

Judith Platt

Monday 15 March 2010

A second chance

The reading was Luke 13, verses 1-9. In it Jesus tells a parable about a fig tree which did not bear fruit for three years and was about to be cut down. However, the man taking care of it said "Leave it alone for one more year, and I'll dig around and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then it can be cut down."

We heard the story of Thomas Edison producing the first light bulb. He and his team took 24 hours to produce one bulb. When it was finished, Edison gave it to a boy to carry upstairs. The boy climbed carefully, afraid that he might drop it. Unfortunately, he did drop it so the team had to spend another 24 hours producing another one. The same boy was asked to carry it upstairs, this time he did so without dropping it.

God forgives us when we get things wrong and gives us a second chance. He looks forward to seeing the good fruit in our lives - things like love, joy, peace, patience, goodness and kindness and to see us showing God's love to other people around us.