Monday 20 April 2009

Luke 24: 36 - 48 Peace be with You !

Both this week and last we have read stories of the risen Christ appearing to his followers and saying "Peace be with you". We echo those words week by week in TFG as we share the peace with one another, but what does the word "peace" actually mean ?

We catch glimpses of its meaning in the Hebrew prophets with their vision of swords beaten into plowshares ( Isaiah 2, Micah 2, Joel 3) and wild animals living in harmony with one another (Isaiah 11) - though contrary to popular assumption, the lion is never envisioned as lying next to the lamb ! We also catch glimpses of its meaning in the life and teaching of Jesus, particularly his words on love of enemies (Matthew 5) and in the Pauline image of Christ having broken down the walls of social, political and spiritual separation (Ephesians 2).

But what does this vision mean for us ?

I suggested the following on Sunday:

Peace is a vision
that makes us dissatisfied with the world as it is,
inspires us to dreams of what the world might be,
and empowers us to make a start here and now.

and then raised the question as to what it means for us to make peace in our daily lives:

What does it mean for us
to make peace in our
selves, homes, communities, churches, world ?

What do you think ?

  • How can we be peacemakers where we are ?
  • In what ways are we already making peace ?
  • How can TFG become a peacemaking community ?


For Further Reflection
... our starting point is God's peace, as manifested in the life and death of Jesus Christ. It is not "our peace". We do not have to invent it. God's peace speaks to all aspects of our life and work.

We humans play many roles at the same time - as parents, employers or employees, citizens, consumers and so on. If we begin to realize that just peace is a way of life then this informs all our activities.

Juan Michel, "Making Peace the Christian Priority"

Sophie Scholl

There is more about Sophie Scholl at:

The film "Sophie Scholl - The Last Days" is now out on DVD, and a biography Sophie Scholl by Frank McDonough has just been published by History Press.


International Substance Abuse & Addiction Coalition

If you are interested to find out more about
the work of St Peter's new mission partner, Alison Giblett,
the organisation she is working with has a website at: