Tuesday 12 July 2011

The Parable Of the Sower - Matthew 13

We agreed that there's a lot about soil in the traditional interpretation of this parable, - which reminds us of how the Word of God is received by different hearers – therefore presenting a challenge to us all. However it's likely that this was an interpretation of the early Christians (an example of the riches of scripture, which has many meanings), and so we considered what else this story could tell us. Jesus came to show us God and tell us more of his kingdom. What does this parable tell us of God and how he acts?

God is generous the farmer scatters the seeds without concern for where they will fall. God gives generously to us all especially his love and he even gave his son to die on the cross for us all.

The seeds scattered by the farmer were tiny and would take time to germinate and grow does God work in small, hidden ways? We considered some examples of this including the Mathare Valley project in Kenya founded by Christians anxious to show God's love in practical ways to the people living there, and how we support it at St Peter's motivated by the tireless efforts of Eleanor.

We also considered that the story told of 3 setbacks and failures of the farmer's crop which would have happened over a period of time yet the harvest when it came was colossal, but only after a long time. Is God always at work in the world, and in the lives of individuals if we have eyes to see?

So does this interpretation of a familiar story challenge us to remember this not to sit back and leave it all to God! But seeking to do his will, are we challenged above all to trust God?

Judith Platt