Wednesday 12 February 2014

Sunday 9th February SALT and LIGHT

Matthew 5 vv. 13-20
This reading is part of the teachings of Jesus usually referred to as The Sermon on the Mount.
It may have been teachings from more than one occasion but gathered together in a block by the Gospel writer. It is based on SALT,  LIGHT and the writings of the LAW and the PROPHETS, all of which would have been familiar experiences of Jesus' hearers at that time.
We discussed various points that Jesus was making:
Salt adds flavour to the food
Salt helps to prevent the food going off
Jesus described himself as "The Light of the World". He says that his disciples will be that light when they are in the world.
So, the disciples need to be visible in all they are doing.
Light shows the right way to go.  People will look to the disciples to see the right way to live.
Jesus says that people who see the good works of the disciples will give glory to God the Father.
Jesus hadn't come to the earth to abolish the Jewish teachings of the past but to fulfil them.
Every detail of those teachings was important, particularly the 10 commandments.
It might be easy to keep some commandments and neglect others.
The Pharisees were criticised by Jesus for placing emphasis on keeping the letter of the law.
Jesus obeyed the true meaning of the Law. He summarised it as:
‘“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbour as yourself.”  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.’
We need to live as Jesus intended his disciples to live.
We should be an influence for good in the world.
We should help people to come to know that, because Jesus died and rose again, we have the promise of forgiveness for what has gone before in our lives and the promise of eternal life after this one,      IF WE BELIEVE AND TRUST IN HIM.

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