Monday 13 January 2014

Sunday 12th January The Baptism of Jesus

The Baptism of Jesus  Matthew 3 vv. 13-end
At the start of our talk, different people explained what their Baptism had meant to them.  Some had been baptised as babies, others as adults but all felt that it was quite a significant point in their Christian journey.
The reading was put in context. Before the Baptism of Jesus, John the Baptist had been going round encouraging the people to repent from their previous lifestyle because the Kingdom of God was near.  After His Baptism, Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness.
We looked at the story of Jesus' Baptism, observing that the heavens opened and the Spirit of God descended on him LIKE A DOVE. It reminded us of the Creation story and also of Noah.
At the Baptism the voice said "This is my Son" and this phrase was used in Psalm 2 v. 7 also "The Beloved with whom I am well pleased" which can be found in Isaiah 42 v. 1
Thinking about what Jesus' Baptism could teach us, we realised that God uses us, like he did John the Baptist, despite our inadequacies.  We may need to set status aside (as John did) so that Jesus comes to the fore.
In other words,
Less of me, more of Jesus.

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