Monday 8 April 2013

All Age Praise


We had a wonderful time this morning at TFG; we celebrated Jesus is Risen and sang songs of Thanksgiving and Celebration. We also sang ‘We have a King who rides a donkey’ and talked of the true nature of service.

Splitting the story of Thomas in half, we talked about the saint, who was brave enough not to follow the crowd while the children did all sorts of craft activities. Then swopping over, the adults went and made prayer promises while I spoke with the children and asked them how they could help their families. There were some very interesting responses, with one 3-year old promising to help ‘Daddy wash the car’ – while her sister said she would help with the washing up. Another 5 year old would be doing the cooking from now on (which rather worried her mum!) – and all in all we had an amazing and very heart-warming time.

The ‘grown-ups’ took time out to explore each other’s faces; an interesting experiment which showed that people looked at the person and not the superficial - possessions, beauty or achievements. Indeed they looked at the person behind – just like Jesus does, who loves us all for whom we are and not what we have. The prayer promises, finally fixed to the Easter Cross and the children’s poster of ‘helping hands’ have both been displayed in church.

We sang songs of being freed by Jesus, and closed with ‘Thine be the Glory’ with a little impromptu band of children and their instruments.

And so we were finally ready to go out into the world, loving and serving Jesus,  just as he first loved and served you and me.

Happy Easter! 

Alleluia – Christ is Risen! 
He is Risen indeed – Alleulia.

Dcn. Olivia

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